Silhouette Artist
Cindi Harwood Rose
I have cut silhouettes since I was 16 and am from many generations of paper-cutters and silhouette artists. My mother and I would draw portraits since I was a child and we would hand-cut animals, paper-dolls, birds, snowflakes, and Valentines. Little did I know this would develop into a career that started at 8, when I received my first portrait commission.
I was a teen when a Disney art company asked me to be a portrait artist. I immediately fell in love with their paper profile artist and gave this “lost art” a try. The manager hired me on the spot as “the silhouette artist” saying that silhouette artists who could get a likeness and cut the interior details are rare. This career funded my entire education in fine arts and communications, and allowed me to buy a townhouse by the time I was 22. It has taken me around the world to meet wonderful people from all walks of life.
Since, my work is organic it is accurate. I did not use a pattern or template. Traditionally silhouettes are cut from black paper but they can be cut from any color. I am the only silhouette artist in the world with authentic Vintage French silhouette paper, that I purchased in huge quantity as a teen, hearing it was going to be obsolete.