Professional silhouette artists are an endangered species
Hire a silhouette artist for your next event!
When researching to find a silhouette artist you might not know that there is a difference between what your school teacher did tracing a shadow of a reluctant student-and a master silhouette profile, cut with scissors by a real artist who looks directly at the subject to create a likeness. So how do you choose from the many self-proclaimed artists one may find on the internet?
The artist who is most skilled in silhouette portraits will use sharp scissors and cut out a miniature portrait in eight minutes or less. The faster they are the better they are and the smoother the quality will be! That is how you know quality in a silhouette artist- by speed, details, and accuracy. Heirloom silhouettes are best cut sized to be framed in 5 x 7 or 4 x 6. You can choose any color for your silhouette at a party (if you ask the artist ahead of time to bring colored paper other than black) and you can request them as large as a matted 8 x 10. All silhouette artists can cut them larger and they all could paint your silhouette larger. However the fun of a silhouette artist at an event is to watch a skilled professional create psychic accurate likenesses of your guests to the tune of 12 to 30 people per hour, depending on how skilled they are (faster are better), or how quickly your crowd moves, or how great the artist’s personality is, to attract a huge crowd around him/her as they work!
True silhouette artists (once called Shade artists) don’t use a shadow, which is a distortion, they don’t sketch it first (which means they can not draw freehand with scissors), they don’t use a computer program to black an image, they don’t trace a profile photo to do a silhouette. A professional silhouette artist examines your energy and profile, and will cut your profile by looking at you, your pet, or your loved one. They can also draw your profile and are usually first accomplished portrait artists. It is best if they have authentic silhouette paper which is white on one side and black on the other. This will last longer than craft paper and will not fade in color over the years. You can purchase real silhouette paper at school supply stores and Blick on-line or in Chicago. Most silhouette artists work in the USA, Canada, Europe, Bali, Australia, Japan, and Dubai. Silhouette artists are normally entertainers and can entertain guests as they work.
Below is an example of fine art museum silhouette by Kara Walker, who uses her imagination to create a narrative that is provoking and spellbinding.
The best silhouette artists like Cindi have worked for Disneyland and Disneyworld and have cut many profiles out, and are quick as well as experienced. The faster the silhouette artist is, the better they are. Speed is important for a silhouette artist! Quality is speed in silhouettes! An experienced artist who can cut silhouette art correctly is a dying species!
Hire Silhouette Artist Cindi for your next event – Cindi loves to travel and would love to come visit & entertain you & your guests in the USA and around the world!
Alabama – Montgomery
Alaska – Juneau
Arizona – Phoenix
Arkansas – Little Rock
California – Sacramento, San Francisco, Mountain View, San Diego, Los Angeles
Colorado – Denver, Aspen
Connecticut – Hartford
Delaware – Dover
Florida – Tallahassee, Miami
Georgia – Atlanta
Hawaii – Honolulu
Idaho – Boise
Illinois – Springfield
Indiana – Indianapolis
Iowa – Des Moines
Kansas – Topeka
Kentucky – Frankfort
Louisiana – Baton Rouge, New Orleans
Maine – Augusta
Maryland – Annapolis, Baltimore
Massachusetts – Boston
Michigan – Lansing
Minnesota – St. Paul
Mississippi – Jackson
Missouri – Jefferson City
Montana – Helena
Nebraska – Lincoln
Nevada – Carson City
New Hampshire – Concord
New Jersey – Trenton
New Mexico – Santa Fe
New York – NYC, Albany, Brooklyn, SoHo
North Carolina – Raleigh
North Dakota – Bismarck
Ohio – Columbus
Oklahoma – Oklahoma City
Oregon – Salem, Portland
Pennsylvania – Harrisburg
Rhode Island – Providence
South Carolina – Columbia
South Dakota – Pierre
Tennessee – Nashville, Columbia
Texas – Austin, Houston, Beaumont, San Antonio
Utah – Salt Lake City
Vermont – Montpelier
Virginia – Richmond, Washington DC
Washington – Olympia, Seattle
West Virginia – Charleston
Wisconsin – Madison
Wyoming – Cheyenne
Cindi Rose, a third generation fine artist, has done silhouettes over 35 years, and is considered the world’s fastest, most accurate premier silhouette artist. Please view Cindi’s videos on Youtube:
For more information about Cindi and to hire a silhouette artist for your event information please visit